We celebrated the occasion by throwing a Winter One-derland party. I loved the play on words, but I then had to come up with a way to make this theme come to life. I feel like this post is very "Patra," a dear friend of mine who is Martha Stewart times a million. I certainly hope that I can live up to her standards. Just check out her decor and you will know what I mean.
So-here are some decor pics from little miss's first birthday party! We had a few friends over and immediate family and kept it small-it was perfect!
We spray painted tree branches silver and hung snowflakes and pictures of HK. At the front door, we had a Wishing Tree and everyone was asked to write a message, wish or hope to HK and hang on the tree. (thanks mom-she did all of the hard work-the spray painting!)
These were the favors/slash activity for the party-little snowflakes to decorate and take home.
Some more decor and painted branches. I filled glass vases all over the house with these.
We had a hot cocoa bar with all kinds of mix-ins and hot cider.
Her little smash cake-she liked it, needless to say!
I hope everyone is having a blessed new year! We certainly are!