So, there are lots of lessons that I am learning. My best one today you ask? I need another degree in order to figure out the snaps on these stupid footed onsie things. Seriously-I actually had to call hubby in to help me. And, it was the middle of the day and I was wide awake, so you can imagine when it is 2 am...thank goodness babies cannot repeat words yet.
I was thinking this evening about all of the worrying, about the whole process we have been through. Thank goodness there were some laughs along the way to lighten the mood. The ones that make me laugh still:
My dear 86 year old Granny calls me. Now, keep in mind that she lives with my parents and has lots of time on her hands to worry and create things to worry about. To make matters worse, she watches (really listens-she is blind) CNN all day - otherwise known as the most uplifting channel on the air (yes, that is sarcasm). So, she hears about all of these children that are being taken from cults in the western US. They are being placed in foster homes, etc. She calls me; we chat. Then she says, "Now Elizabeth, I want to talk to you about something..." Wow, must be serious. She proceeds, "I heard on tv about these babies that are being taken from cults, and I was thinking that they must be looking for homes." OK, at this point, I am thinking that my good-hearted, Catholic, God-loving Granny wants me to give them a home. I think that she is proud of herself for solving my lack of children problem. She continues, "So, I think you should make sure your agency knows that you do not want a cult baby." Seriously??? My hubby told her that we had checked the cult baby box on the application under the section asking what we were not willing to consider in an adoptive child or parent. Seriously. He told her that. She believed him.
One weekend, Justin and I were looking for things to do, and we heard about an adoption fair in town. We were getting pretty pumped-hubby thought we should go. Upon further inspection, we realized it was a pet adoption fair, not a baby adoption fair. It would have been a really good laugh though if we had gone and asked for a Caucasian with blonde hair. We could have wound up with a cocker spaniel.
And finally, after finding out that our applications were okayed, our profile was completed, and we were officially in the adoption pool, I decided that I was pregnant on paper. That qualifies me for the expectant mother parking spots. I happily parked there - hubby was very embarrassed when he was with me. I will miss those spots.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago