The joys.......and the absolute shocking things that it carries with it.
I have done things as a mother that I NEVER.IN.A.MILLION.YEARS would have done in my previous life.
For instance, I have gone out in public in an outfit that appeared clean, only to discover upon arrival at my destination that it has in fact been spit up on and the stains are starting to appear. Yes-it is true-formula and spit up can disappear and reappear on clothes. I swear it. So, there I stood, with regurgitated formula all over me. The most shocking part? I didn't really care. I used to care about these, I just shrug. Seriously, I used to have Tide pens in my purse, in my car, in my drawers. I still do, but, again, I just shrug. Tide stock has fallen.
On another occasion, I had showered, taken the time to straighten my hair, got dressed for work, fed HK, and burped her. You know where this is going........she proceeded to spit up all in my hair. What's a girl to do? I don't have time to rewash my hair and myself. Soooo (tip for you new moms out there), formula can dry in your hair and be brushed out quite nicely. While it does turn very crispy and it can be difficult to get the brush through your hair in the beginning, keep at it and it will brush right out. The formula smell is another thing-invest in hair perfume. Seriously, I have it. I never in a million imagined that I would know this. And that I would not have completely FREAKED out, but I remained very calm. I can be quite the trooper in emergency situations.
I have left the house in clothes that I would never have before-in my life. Ever. Like full up pjs and sweats with tee shirts no one should have to see. Tee shirts that remind me of how old I am because they are old sorority party tee shirts that blatantly state my age-like Barn Party 1997. I SHOULD at least care about advertising my age.
I have learned that baby wipes are almost as good as a shower, and that dry shampoo can add volume in a pinch.
Ahhhh...the things you learn not to care about! But I have hope for my full hygienic self to reappear and have not given up complete hope. In the meantime, I will continue to dress my little precious one in her smocked dresses and bows paired with her sweatpants and tee shirt clad mom!