Bad day for the two month old.
REALLY bad day for 2 month old's mother.In fact, I am not certain that I can ever make her go to the doctor again. I am notorious for being a needle phob. When I was little, they had to bring in nurses to hold me down for a throat culture. A small army had to come in for a blood draw and the entire national guard for a shot. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten much better with age. While I have come to realize that it is quite unattractive to watch a 30ish (yes, ish...) year old make a complete fool of herself in the doc office over a shot, it still crosses my mind. I could take them all. Somewhere in my 20s however, I discovered that you could "decline" blood draws. So, I managed to go several years and through several annual check ups without blood work ups. Seems stupid to most, but I think that it is stupid to stick your arm out and willingly let someone prick through your skin with a sharp object-a FOREIGN object-that makes you bleed and bruise. SO THERE.
Needless to say, when it came time for HK's 2 month visit and vaccines, Justin went as well. They stuck that poor little peanut in the thighs with 3 shots-and the look of complete confusion, then realization, then was just awful. That little face turned a purple, red. The wide open mouth-no noise, silent scream.......then the high pitched shrieking wail. I am thinking "Breathe, Breathe." This mantra I keep repeating-for HK and myself. I hear myself saying at that moment in my head, "My poor little baby, you will NEVER have to go to the doctor again. Never ever ever." I am going to become Jenny McCarthy and swear off modern medicine.
I had to stop and buy her a little gift on the way home from the appointment-just to show her that I love her and did not let that mean nurse hurt her for no good reason. So, she did wind up with the cutest pink little jumper and a frilly white blouse. Now that we have had a few days to relax from this horrific event, I know that HK will return to the doctor's office and live to see another day. But good gracious-can't they just make all of those vaccines drinkable?
you could give her some ibprofen or tylenol before her next visit so it's kicked in before her shots next time... Little Miss is going to have a huge wardrobe just based on all the shots over the next year or so!